TNT announced the premiere of the new series "Animal Kingdom" in Los Angeles, which centers on Finn Cole's 17-year-old Joshua "J" Cody (Finn Cole) in a seaside town in Southern California and tells the story of Joshua living with his grandmother (Ellen Barkin) and uncle after his mother died of a drug overdose. He had to struggle with the family's indulgence and chaos, and soon discovered that his uncle's family were all members of a criminal syndicate. Ellen Barkin plays grandmother Janine Cody, nicknamed Smurf, a working-class mother who looks like an ordinary woman, but is actually a man who trembles over her, sits in power and runs an organized crime family. Scott Speedman plays the right hand of Baz,Janine. Ben Robson will play the main character Craig, a tough, fearless, second son of the crime family, a senior criminal, usually.