"the Law of Love between Urban Men and Women" is a seasonal TV series produced by Kakao TV. The first story is "my lovely camera Thief". It tells the story of urban men and women who dream of being "another self" and find happiness and love. They are more forthright and positive about their lives than anyone else. Chi Changxu plays the perfect, straightforward and ebullient architect Park Jae-won, a romantic architect who likes urban alleys and has never forgotten the camera thief who stole his heart and disappeared like a midsummer night's dream. Kim Ji-won plays marketer Lee Eun-woo, who impulsively leaves the city for a strange place and falls in love with Park Jae-won as another person.
The play is directed by Park Xinyu, the embodiment of jealousy and psychosis, and co-authored by Zheng Xianzhen and Zheng Duoyan, who need Romance and Discovery of Love. Premiere on December 8th!