Zach Woods and his old colleague "Silicon Valley" co-creator Mike Judge Peacock adults announced the dubbing lineup of the animated series "In the Know" after being booked last September, including "War of inheritance"Gerri" J. Smith-Cameron, "Future President's Diary"Bobby" Charlie Bushnell, "Life Wine Friends"Sherm" Carl Tart and "desperate Writer"Jessica" Caitlin Reilly. This is the first time the streaming media has set foot in this field, and will comically imitate and tease NPR, setting the story in the protagonist, the host of NPR's third most popular (kind but occasionally hypocritical, ordinary) host (stop-motion animated puppet) "Lauren Caspian" (Zach) and his show. The title "In the Know" is the name of his program, and each episode will be presented in the form of a program.