Life is a ten-episode series of documentaries produced by BBC and broadcast on BBC on October 12, 2009. It took four years for this film to be made, all in high definition. 50 minutes per episode, plus 10 minutes of shooting tidbits, a total of 60 minutes. The series cost 10 million pounds, according to the Times, although BBC officials have not confirmed that figure. The year 2009 marks the bicentenary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Origin of species. As a memorial, this film tries to show the diversity of colorful species in nature and their magical survival skills evolved to adapt to the environment. one. The Challenge of Life the beginning of this series enumerates all kinds of unusual behaviors of foraging, predation, courtship and brooding in the animal world around the world. In the Gulf of Florida, leading bottlenose dolphins slapped their tail fins in the water to create a muddy curtain wall, and other dolphins prey on fish as they jump out of the water and try to escape. Other unusual collaborative predation techniques include three cheetahs working together to hunt ostriches and Antarctic orcas attacking seals. Brazilian capuchins have learned to pick nuts with stones.