Adult Swim announced the production of the original sci-fi action adventure animated series "Ninja Kamui," directed by Park Hou ("the Curse returns"), character design by Neng Shiji Kawasaki ("Star Wars: Wonderland") and co-produced by Ethan H Production and Sola Entertainment. The story tells that Kamui, a ninja, breaks away from the ninja organization and lives incognito in order to escape his bloody past. However, because he betrayed the ninja's ancient creed, one night, his family was brutally killed by the former organization's assassins. In order to avenge his loved ones, Kamui became his former self again. However, the ninjas of the 21 century were anachronistic because they had to fight high-tech weapons with cruel and ancient skills. Kamui faces trained assassins, battle droids, and other powerful ninjas to overthrow his former organization.