Four-star Admiral Mark R. Nelder (Steve Carell) is a meritorious pilot who dreams of becoming commander of the air force. However, he was caught in a dilemma when he found himself appointed commander of the newly formed sixth unit (space force) of the US military. Skeptical but willing to give it a shot, Mark's family moved to a remote base in Colorado, where he and a group of excellent scientists and "astronauts" were sent to the moon by the White House to achieve American dominance in space. The Space Force, co-created by Carell and Craig Daniels ("the Office"), is a brand new workplace comedy with high plot risk and even greater ambition. John Markovich, Diana Silvers, Tony Newson, Ben Schwartz, as well as Lisa Kudrow, Ouyang Wancheng, Noah Emmerich, Alexei Volobev and Don Rick co-starred in the play. Howard Klein of 3Arts Productions ("the Office") is the producer, and Daniels is the show director.