The Rebirth of Ice Dance tells the story of Kate Baker (Kayas Cordalio), a talented and promising figure skater. But because of a catastrophic defeat, she was unable to continue to play, so she was ready to retire. However, she got a chance to make a fresh start: to be a synchronized player. She seized the opportunity to continue her career, partnering with the talented pair skater Justin (Evan Roderick), but he was a full-time bad boy. She soon realized that in order to pursue her skating dream, she had to deal with broken family relationships, unstable partnerships and demons that might upset her overall plan. The cast includes January Jones, Willow Shields, Zhou Duoduo, will Kemp, Svetlana Yevremova, Mitchell Edwards, Sarah Wright Olsen, David James Eliot, Johnny will, Catelyn Leber and Jonathan Van Ness: Drobie Harold, Torritennell, Samantha Stratton and Lara Olsen