Amazon 6-episode natural thriller series "drilling" announces the list of Cass: Ian Gray (Game of Thrones) and Emily Hamphill (Game of Thrones) starring Cass also includes Martin Compton ("heavy Duty"), Rosenda Sandel ("Little Axe"), Irving Thiel ("Game of Thrones"), Richard Piper ("Bridgeton"), Mark Bonnard ("catastrophe"), Calvin Demba ([last Christmas]), Elliot ("Game of Thrones") and so on. The play is directed by John Strickland ("heavy responsibilities"). The story is set on the Kishorn Bravo oil rig in the dangerous waters of the North Sea off the coast of Scotland. As the crew are about to return to the mainland, a mysterious, all-round fog sweeps through, and they find themselves cut off from the shore and the outside world. When the rig was trembling, the crew tried to find out what was driving the unknown force, but a major accident forced them to question who they could really trust.