Ddong gae

Ddong gae 6.2

Chul-min 's mother has died since he was a child, and because Chul-min himself has not been very smart, fathers who work as police officers often only call their sons "shit-eaters". Chul-min himself calls a dog that grew up with him a "shit-eating dog". But in high school, Chul-min 's dog was slaughtered by his colleagues on Chul-min 's football team. Although Chul-min wanted to retaliate immediately, his father's patrol car had just arrived and failed when he acted. When he grows up, Chul-min can be said to have achieved nothing. He is just a young man who likes to stir up trouble and fight against each other. However, because he was so brave and ruthless, he mixed with several young people and became the leader of a youngster gang. However, as a result, he gave his father a lot of trouble and was even arrested.


