The story begins with a high school student named Alex Pearson, who claims that Alex of Lemon Oaks High School is the star of the hockey school, but he makes a big mistake that he can't even teach for his own sake, which means being snubbed by the ball, endless drudgery and the rest of his life after his sister Emily. Alex's sister clung to him because he died a long time ago, and his busy father could only keep them fed and clothed. Alex not only had to learn to be independent, but also had to learn to take care of his sister's responsibility. When Emily asked Alex to be a busy bumblebee girl instructor, everyone around him was very much the same, even Matisse Burrows, the target of Alex. She also felt that this was a good opportunity for Alex to grow. Alex doesn't know that his future will be changed by being a bumblebee. Of course, this experience has been based on him for a lot of time, but Alex has learned from middle school to be considerate and considerate of others, rather than selfishness that harms the worst of you. ...