
Fallen 7.0

Police officer John Hobbs (Denzel Washington Denzel Washington) recently arrested a murderer, Reese, who said a few strange words and left a code word before electrocution, nothing special. However, Hobbs soon discovered that Reese's code word was directed at Rob Milano, a policeman who committed suicide 30 years ago. At the same time, several chain murders occurred one after another, and the murderers used the same methods, and what was even more amazing was that each victim was suspected of the last murder. Hobbs visited Rob's daughter Gretan, who advised Herbus to abandon the investigation. Reese's message was finally deciphered, and it turned out that he threatened Hobbes in the ancient language of Syria, and Hobbs' insistence had a further harvest. He found that Rob and the victims of several recent murders may have been made by evil spirits named "Asasso". Asasso can rely on the human body to do evil at will, which makes Hobbes' road of arresting the murderer difficult. How does this battle between man and evil spirits end?