
Ferrari 6.8

The film, focused on the summer of 1957, tells the legendary story of Ferrari and Maserati fighting for the supremacy of the track. One morning, the wife of former race car driver Enzo Ferrari received two phone calls and was told that Bella had just arrived from Milan overnight. When he found out that Ferrari was not at home, his wife Laura was annoyed because the two had been maintaining a nominal marriage and agreed to have coffee together on time every morning. When Ferrari learned that Bella had come to Milan to challenge Ferrari's racing record, he called his friend Mosolini for help. The exasperated wife shot Ferrari directly and told Ferrari that their company was going bankrupt. Their son Dino died of muscular dystrophy two years ago. While Ferrari was immersed in loss and sadness in churches and cemeteries, Bella was ready to go on the track. After a series of accidents, his track friend Mosolini died unfortunately. Ferrari had no choice but to face the dangerous Mir Milla and get the sponsorship. Mir Milla raced hard, passing through valleys, woods, meadows, rapids, blizzard and other extreme weather, full of danger everywhere, racing cars such as Ferrari and Maserati.