
Hitchcock 6.8
  • Genre: Biography
  • Premiere: 2012
  • Running time: 1h 38m
  • Country: USA

This film is based on Stephen Rebelo's documentary literature of the same name published in 1998. It records Hitchcock (Anthony Hopkins Anthony Hopkins)'s efforts to film the Psychiatric. During the filming of the film, his relationship with his wife Alma (Helen Mirren Helen Mirren) has also become the focus of attention. Since then, "the Psychiatric" has become one of Hitchcock's classic masterpieces, the film tells the story of actress Janet Lee (Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson) played by the female secretary Marion, after taking the owner's money to escape to a remote motel, only to be brutally killed by Anthony Perkins (James Darcy James D'Arcy), the schizophrenic innkeeper played by Norman. The scene of her screaming in horror has become one of the most unforgettable scenes in film history, and she was nominated for the Golden Globe and Oscar for Best supporting Actress.