I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians

I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians 7.3

In October 1941, the Romanian government, allied with the Nazis, burned and killed more than 30,000 Jews in the name of revenge, and the head of state even openly declared that he would kill him to the end, even if he left eternal notoriety. The catastrophe, known as the "Odessa Holocaust", became the darkest and untold secret in Romanian history. Director Mariana, who did not want to whitewash the peace, prepared to recreate the tragedy with a war action drama, but there were many obstacles on all sides. The actors refused to go on strike, the top officials forced her to "correct" her audio-visual, and even her love life encountered bottlenecks. A more brutal human drama is waiting to come. "go after the gypsy! Hadu Jude, the famous director, once again takes the era as the theme, and uses the war of words of the people in the play to delve into the reality of history, citing not only the images of the victims, but also the multiple dialectics of the satire in the play and the satire. Marx, Lennie Liffenstein and Stephen Spielberg have all become mocking arguments, and introspective criticism is as high as high. The title of the original film is literally translated as "I don't care that we have been positioned as barbarians in history". It is extracted from the Declaration of ethnic cleansing and has become a strong proof of history.