Ingeborg Bachmann - Reise in die Wüste

Ingeborg Bachmann - Reise in die Wüste 6.2

Austrian poet Eng Bachmann fell in love with the Swiss writer Max Frisch and broke up again. Hurt by the love, she began a journey to the desert. Through the cross-narration of the stories between Bachmann and Frisch, the German composer Hans Huntzer and the Austrian playwright Adolf Opel, this film depicts the poet's female self-awakening process from "hurt by emotion" to "the pursuit of will independence". Magaret von Trotta, the director who won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival for "German Sisters", once again demonstrated Bachmann's more real and diverse image behind the public aura with her meticulous observation of female characters. Shortlisted for the main competition unit of the 2023 Berlin Film Festival.