Judas and the Black Messiah

Judas and the Black Messiah 7.5

The two actors in Escape from desperate Town, Daniel Kaluuya and Le Keith Steinfeld, are in talks to join the historical drama Jesus is my partner (Jesus Was My Homeboy), the protagonist is Fred Hampton, the leader of the black political organization Black Panther Party. Coincidentally, the producer of this film also includes Ryan Kugler, the director of the film Black Panther. Warner's new film will be directed by Shaka King, who co-wrote with Will Berson. The film focuses on the death of Hampton, who was killed in 1969 in a raid organized by the Chicago Police Department and FBI. The police fired 80 shots, while members of the Black Panther Party fired only one shot, which came from muscle contraction after a member was killed by the police. Hampton was shot twice in the head at close range while sleeping with his pregnant fiancee. He was drugged that night and did not hear anything from the police. After death, the body was dragged into an alley at the age of 21. After trial, his death was judged to be "just and justified", and then in 1982, with a compensation of $1.85 million.