The story takes place in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, where there is a street specializing in cast iron business. Ishiguro Shikuro (Eijiro Higano) is a cast iron worker working in the Matsumoto factory. Except for a man named Hashimoto Keji (Akio Hamada) who is young, the rest of the workers are elderly old men. Because of the poor efficiency of the factory, the Songyong factory was swallowed up by the big enterprise Maru San Company. Chen Goro and other old employees were mercilessly dismissed because they were too old. In the company run by his friend's father, Chen Goro finally found a job, but because he was too tacitly adhering to the old rules and did not understand the new technology, he finally chose to resign. In order to support the family, Chen Goro's wife had to secretly go to the wine house to work as a waitress while taking care of the children. All this is seen by Junko (Yoshinaka Sayuri).