Lonely Are the Brave

Lonely Are the Brave 7.7
  • Genre: West
  • Premiere: 1962
  • Running time: 1h 47m
  • Country: USA

The story tells that John Burns, a stray cowboy, returned to his hometown to visit Bundy, a good girl he once admired, and learned that she had married his best friend Paul. But Paul was arrested for illegally crossing the U.S. / Mexico border and was sentenced to two years in prison, and Burns, who can always easily escape, plans to go to prison himself to help his friends escape. When he managed to go to prison, he found that his old friend did not want to escape, so he had no choice but to escape by himself. after preparing horses and food, he evaded the pursuit of modern police on the mountain road he knew. In the endless wild mountains, start a cat-and-mouse game between the old cowboy and the modern police force.