Lust for Life

Lust for Life 7.4
  • Genre: Biography
  • Premiere: 1956
  • Running time: 2h 2m
  • Country: USA

Before he aspired to become a painter, Van Gogh (Kirk Douglas Kirk Douglas) was a promising salesman in the gallery. After several emotional failures, he began to try to become a painter. Van Gogh's compassionate character enabled him to live in harmony with poor miners and depict their miserable lives with a paintbrush. His paintings are unrestrained, passionate and emotionally wanton, but they are not appreciated by the mainstream painting circles. Van Gogh invited the rising Impressionist painter Gauguin (Anthony Quinn Anthony Quinn) to paint in the south of France. For many years, his younger brother Theo supported Van Gogh financially, even subsidizing all the expenses of Gauguin's trip to the south. At first, the two were happy and created a lot of high-level works together, but because of their incompatible personalities, they gradually had a fierce quarrel. Van Gogh was hit by the spirit when he tried to leave. Van Gogh tried to threaten Gauguin with a knife. Gauguin fled in a hurry, and Van Gogh finally cut off his own ear. The lonely and impoverished Van Gogh was tortured by mental illness and went to the hospital several times to recuperate. And he never stopped painting, has been waiting for the appreciation of the public, and finally the spirit of the collapse, shot the end of life. Ann.