McCabe & Mrs. Miller

McCabe & Mrs. Miller 7.7
  • Genre: West
  • Premiere: 1971
  • Running time: 2h
  • Country: USA

The story takes place in the desolate west where the living environment is very bad and resources are seriously scarce. A man named John (Warren Beatty Warren Beatty) comes here and uses his wisdom and courage to open a brothel to earn himself a place in the small town. With the passage of time, John's business became more and more prosperous, and even the well-known head Miller (Julie Christie Julie Christie) came to join the partnership. In the process of getting along day and night, the suave and promising John attracted Miller's attention, the former was also bowed by Miller's infinite amorous feelings, and the two people who fell in love gradually came together. At this juncture, another outsider came to the town, and he became John's biggest competitor in his career. John has his own plan whether to compromise or fight to the end.