MGC Presents Red

MGC Presents Red 7.8
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 2018
  • Running time: 1h 30m
  • Country: UK

"I am only afraid of one thing in my life, that is, one day, black will engulf red." The Red is written by the famous screenwriter John Logan based on the life experience of the American abstract painter Mark Rothko. Like Roscoe's own philosophy of art, the play guides people to explore the emotional and spiritual expression behind the abstraction. John Logan has been nominated for Best Screenplay Oscars for films such as Gladiator, Flying Man and Hugo, which premiered at the Damar Warehouse Theater in London in 2009 and then moved to Broadway in New York. Won six Tony Awards, including Best Drama and Best Director. Nine years later, Britain's first rehearsal version assembled an important premiere crew, including Tony award-winning director Michael Glendaghi (Michael Grandage), and the original Cass lineup, Alfred Molina, who was nominated for Oliver Tony and Emmy awards, starred in Roscoe again, giving a textbook on the understanding of the characters.

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