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Network 8.1
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 1976
  • Running time: 2h 1m
  • Country: USA

His wife's death dealt a heavy blow to TV anchor Howard (Peter Finch), plunging him into pain and sadness. The TV station decided to fire Howard, who was no longer interested in working, and Howard's old friend Max (William Holden) became the only person to convey the bad news. Knowing that he was about to be fired, Howard, who had worked for the TV station for many years, was very angry. On the next day's program, he even warned the audience that he was about to commit suicide live. Howard's outrageous behavior angered the top management of the TV station, and even gave President Frank (Robert Duvall), who had always been dissatisfied with Max, an opportunity to find trouble. In the live news broadcast the next day, Howard was supposed to apologize for his careless words and deeds as planned, but he became angry and made a lot of nonsense, pointing the finger at the various shortcomings of contemporary America. Female producer Diana (Faye Dunaway) sees business opportunities in Howard's series of actions. She bribed Frank and becomes Howard...