Pawn Sacrifice

Pawn Sacrifice 7.0
  • Genre: Biography
  • Premiere: 2015
  • Running time: 1h 55m
  • Country: USA

After completing the Facebook founder's feature film The Social Network for Sony Colombia, David David Fincher will continue to work with them on Pawn Sacrifice, a biopic about the life of American chess master Bobby Fischer. Bob Fisher is an icon in the American chess world. He represented the United States in defeating the former world chess champion Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union in the 1972 World Chess Challenge in Reykjavik, Iceland. The script for "abandoning the pawn" was written by Steven Knight, and producer Gail Katz started planning the film for Columbia several years ago. In addition to him, Tobey Maguire, who is rumored to star in the film, will also be the producer.