
Renoir 6.6

The story takes place in France in 1915, the famous impressionist artist Renoir (Michelle Buguet Michel Bouquet) has entered the old age of life, the death of his wife, physical illness, coupled with the son let Renoir (Van Shang Lotier Vincent Rottiers) seriously injured in the war, this series of blows make the old Renoir depressed and depressed. Just at this time, a model named Andel (Krista Terrett Christa Theret) appears in Renova's life. Andel's youth and beauty make Renoir's life turn to spring again. After that, let Renova go home to recover, he was shocked by Andel's beauty and fell in love with him at first sight. however, what Renova did not expect was that his hot and strong feelings made his father fall into pain and anxiety again. Renoir turned this pain into a driving force for creation, and a series of beautiful and valuable works of art were born from his trembling hands.