Sex, Lies, and Videotape

Sex, Lies, and Videotape 7.2
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 1989
  • Running time: 1h 40m
  • Country: USA

Graham (James Spader James Spader) has a special penchant for videotaping all kinds of women who talk openly about their sexual experiences and details in front of his camera. When Graham returned to his hometown where he had been away for many years, he had nothing but a car and these videotapes. So he can only stay with his classmate John for the time being. John (Peter Geller Peter Gallagher) is a successful man who has been having an affair with Cynthia, the sister of his wife Ann (Andie MacDowell), and always turns a blind eye to his wife. When Ann accompanied Graham to find a rented house, the two had a long conversation about sex in the restaurant. Ann admitted that she didn't attach much importance to sex, while Graham revealed his secret: he was impotent. Ann stumbled upon Graham's videotapes of all kinds of women, and she decided to do the same because her husband was cold and depressed.

