Sodak Sodak

Sodak Sodak 4.6

Having just finished the college entrance examination, Senior three students of Maigu High School Zhao Yucheng (Jin Ying), Zhu Dongri (Jin Tai Jun), Cui Jingyun (Cui Xizhen), Jiang Minyu (Jin Yukui) and Park Haiguo (Park Jin) made an appointment to travel to the seaside to relax. Lu Yinhe (Su Zhuyan), who has excellent academic performance, has not done well recently, coupled with the death of her good friend Bian Zhien (Li Youmei), which makes her feel depressed and even have auditory hallucinations and visions. After much consideration, Galaxy decided to join the friends' tour group and relax. It was a pleasant trip, but they lost their way and came to an abandoned amusement park blindly. Boys and girls have no scruples, but they do not realize that this is the place where a cursed evil spirit is entrenched.