The Quiet Ones

The Quiet Ones 5.1
  • Genre: Terror
  • Premiere: 2014
  • Running time: 1h 38m
  • Country: USA

In 1974, Oxford University professor Joseph Copeland (Jared Harris Jared Harris) believed that there were supernatural phenomena that could not be explained by existing science. In order to prove his point, he assembled three young people, Brian (Sam Krafflin Sam Claflin), Harry (Rory Fleck-Byrne) and Chris (Erin Richards Erin Richards), to form an experimental group. Carry out research on the teenage Jane Harper (Olivia Cook Olivia Cooke). Countless strange things have happened to Jane before. She claimed that an invisible friend Ivy had disturbed her life. The events were so widespread that even officials admitted that Jane was possessed by demons. Joseph was so confident that even if the research funding was withdrawn, he was determined to find out the cause of the girl's insanity. However, his experiment soon fell into a valley of horror with no end in sight.