The Reluctant Fundamentalist

The Reluctant Fundamentalist 6.9
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 2013
  • Running time: 2h 10m
  • Country: USA

A Pakistani man tells his story to an American stranger in a teahouse in Lahore. As the night gets deeper and deeper, the man's story gradually reveals that the meeting between the two may not be accidental. Genghis, from a declining family in Pakistan, has worked hard to weave the American dream, and he does have the life that many immigrants dream of: graduating from Princeton and being recruited by top financial consulting firms in Manhattan. Fall in love with elegant rich girls and squeeze into the upper class of New York. From a declining aristocratic background, he quietly thought that he was destined to live such a life. However, after the 9 / 11 terrorist attacks, everything changed. Genghis was in a violent struggle. ── the world around him, the woman he loved, his inner self-identity, everything began to fall apart, and something that had never been noticed before and hidden in the bottom of his heart began to gush out.

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