Un chien andalou

Un chien andalou 7.8

This film is a cross-border collaboration between Luis Bunuel, the father of surrealist films, and the surrealist painter Salvador Dali. It shows people's dreams and the subconscious. The story is divided into two paragraphs. At the beginning of the first paragraph, a melancholy young man (Louis Bunuel Luis Bunuel) sits in the moonlight, sharpening his razor, smoking a cigarette, waiting for the young girl to appear. The young man stroked the young girl's face with a razor, cut her eyeball with a razor, and the dark clouds crossed the moon. The second period was set eight years later, when a young man appeared on the road, riding a bicycle and wearing a women's cloak. He fainted downstairs. The woman came downstairs and took the box in his hand. The man never woke up. When she got back to the house, the woman sat meditating, and another man knocked on the door, his palms covered with ants. while the men and women were studying ants, a woman in men's clothes downstairs was fiddling with a broken hand, causing a crowd of passers-by. Then women's breasts, pumpkins, monks, pianos, ragged men and women appeared in the picture, and symbolic dreams were displayed one by one.