Water for Elephants

Water for Elephants 6.9
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 2011
  • Running time: 2h
  • Country: USA

The story begins with a 90-year-old man recalling his life during the Great Depression. The 23-year-old Jacob (played by Robert Pattinson Robert Pattinson) is forced to run away from a prestigious school because his parents are dead and unable to pay his tuition. By coincidence, he took up chores and taking care of animals in a second-rate circus. The magic weapon of the circus is an elephant named Roxie, which is a very spiritual animal. Unfortunately, the brutal circus director Auguste (Christopher Waltz Christoph Waltz) never knew how to take care of animals. Instead, his wife Malena (Reese Witherspoon Reese Witherspoon) is maternal in love with circus animals. As a result, Jacob gradually fell in love with beautiful women in the days to come. Auguste found out when they decided to elope, but it was Roxie's amazing move that fulfilled their love. Roxie's actions have also become a secret that Jacob has kept for 70 years. What on earth is the secret?