Henry (Gary Cooper Gary Cooper) is a hot-blooded young man who volunteered to go to Italy and become an ambulance driver when the war broke out. In Italy, Henry meets a beautiful nurse named Catherine (Helen Hess Helen Hayes). Later, Henry is taken to Milan Hospital because of his injury, where he and Catherine are reunited. During the hospitalization, Henry and Catherine fell in love, and Catherine was pregnant with Henry's flesh and blood. After recovering from his injury, Henry returned to the battlefield, only to find that the morale of our army had plummeted and there was a bleak atmosphere everywhere. The boss began to execute a large number of soldiers suspected of escape, Henry was not immune, he narrowly escaped the shots of his own people, he decided to find Catherine, the two fled the battlefield, to live their life at peace with the rest of the world. However, the chase by the Italian police followed, and the two men embarked on a journey of escape.