A fat man named Peter Lorentzon silently performs his loneliness, lack of sense of security and tragedy of sexual orientation in the camera. The film is interspersed with black and white montage paragraphs to express fetishes, memories or dreams. Close-ups depicting tropical fish markings, women's running figures, fallen leaves, buses, rubber dolls and sex devices, superstitions written to third-tier actors, etc. (as container shots). At the same time, actress Jena Malone exists as a voice, changing her narrative identity and mumbling about loneliness, life and death, contemporary world issues in a consistent rhythm and mournful tone, sometimes dubbing for Lorentzon: "I am a woman trapped in a man's body" (as a container), sometimes expressing herself or talking to the audience: "I don't want to be in this movie." Sometimes acting as a director's puppet to give opinions on current politics or illogical speeches: "Jesus in Mary's belly" (as the language of the container), changing freely between multiple identities like a fish in the water, but confusing the audience (as the voice of the container). The picture and sound track can be enjoyed independently. In fact, the director made an extra one for the film.