In the black neighborhood of Brooklyn in the late 1960s, high school student Anthony (Larenz Tate) and his friends Joey, Skip and others enjoyed a life that was not rich but interesting. Kobe Bryant, the little leader on the street, appreciates Anthony's skills and often takes care of him. On the eve of graduation, Anthony gave up the chance to go to college and chose to join the army. He took his girlfriend Juanita to the land of Vietnam with his parents' concerns. Anthony and Skip's company experienced a hellish front-line battle. Some comrades-in-arms used the heads of the dead as amulets to avoid being killed, and the soldiers who cut open their hearts begged others to kill themselves. In 1973, Anthony returned home intact, but too many things had changed. Skip still pimped for a living, Kobe's business was shrinking, Juanita was committed to gangs, and her sister Sarah joined the Panthers. Anthony, who works in a meat shop, couldn't stand it, so he decided to take part in a robbery against the Federal Reserve Bank.