Los Angeles "Crime Terminator" John (Sylvester Stallone) was sentenced to decades of freezing for arresting the notorious "Iron Phoenix"(Wesley Snipes), which killed more than 30 people, while the "Iron Phoenix" was sentenced to life freezing. Decades passed, and John was thawed after serving his sentence and returned to the world. At this time, the human lifestyle was very different from that of the past. In order to enable him to adapt to the new society as soon as possible, the authorities arranged for a policewoman to help John. John had a memory chip implanted in his brain containing tailoring skills, and it was clear that the authorities wanted him to be a tailor. However, the "Iron Phoenix" accidentally woke up from the freezing and escaped from prison. What was even more terrifying was that he had the destroyer's memory chip implanted in his brain. In the future, humans will no longer use barbaric weapons such as guns and rockets. After the "Iron Phoenix" obtained all the equipment in the Weapons Museum, it began to wreak havoc...