In the early years of Showa, Rin, a young girl who advocated freedom (Takeshi), unwilling to repeat her mother's obedient life for her husband, ran out of the house in a formal dress on her wedding day; in the middle of Showa, Rin's three daughters each experienced different lives. The eldest daughter Kaoru (Takeuchi) and her lover experienced separation from each other, and she could not forget her dead husband for a long time. The second daughter Cui (Tanaka is acted the role of) is an editor of a periodical, she is bent on being an outstanding strong woman. Xiao Nu Hui (Zhong Zhong is acted the role of) has a happy little family, and when her second life is coming, her life is threatened by death; at the beginning of the 21st century, Hui's two daughters also savor all kinds of life: the youngest daughter Jia (Yuemanzi) has a happy family of three and enjoys it. The eldest daughter (Keika Sakagi) goes to Tokyo to pursue her dream, but has to face the cruel and cold reality. Three generations of women, different lives, like flowers blooming and falling, over and over again. This film is sponsored by Shiseido, a famous cosmetic brand.