"Galactic Adventure" is a science fiction TV series that tells the story of space NSEA protectors two decades ago. Nearly two decades later, Jason (Tim Allen Tim Allen) as commander, Alexander (Alan Rickman Alan Rickman) as doctor, and Gwen (Sigourney Weaver Sigourney Weaver) and other actors reunite for a series of fan meetings and business events. During this period, a group of grotesque fans who called themselves Samian followed Jason to his home, and the tired Jason found that the Samian were not crazy fans, but real aliens! After watching "Galactic Adventure," the Semians, who had no ability to deceive, thought that Jason and others were real space heroes, and they successively lost in the showdown with the cosmic villain Sarris, so they went to Earth to seek the help of the protectors. Jason and Alexander and other crew members are really acting to help the Samians fight the evil forces of the universe.