In the spring of 1941, Tangjin, Saga Prefecture, Japan. The 17-year-old Toshihiko Sakayama (Junosuke Wazuka), who lives with his aunt Keiko Jiangma (Keiko Changpan), ushered in a new semester. During the carefree green years, he lived happily with his friends every day. Among them, the beautiful young pelgi (Mashima Minjuke), who has a handsome figure like a male god in Greek mythology, Kira (Nagatsuka Keishi), who is like a nihilistic monk, and the hilarious and noisy Asu (Shisheng) are his best friends. Junyan has a cousin, that is Aunt Keiko's daughter Mina (Yazuo is decorated with incense). Meina suffers from lung disease, frail, and her pale face becomes more and more attractive, just as Junhiko, who is in adolescence, falls for it. At the same time, he is surrounded by beautiful girls such as Yasuyin (Yamazaki) and Thousand-year-old (Mai). Boys and girls laugh and play, running wantonly on the boundary of youth. However, when the bell of war rang, their youth as pure as white paper was broken into pieces and scattered in the air.