Alien Daniel (Alex Patifo Alex Pettyfer) and children with the same fate fled to Earth to avoid being pursued by the Mauga people who invaded their planet. For several years, Daniel constantly sensed that his companion had been killed, and in order to survive, he had been living in exile with his protector Henry. In Paradise, Daniel meets the beautiful girl Sarah (Diana Agraon Dianna Agron) and meets the timid but alien-obsessed Sam (Kahlan McAuliffe Callan McAuliffe). The terrifying Maoga finally found the whereabouts of Daniel, this time, Daniel did not choose to escape, he decided to use his increasingly powerful powers to defeat the enemy. However, it is not easy to defeat the mighty Maoga. The film is adapted from the first in a series of comics and is produced under the supervision of Michael Bay, the director of the film Transformers.