Marine Jack Patrick Ryan (Chris Pine Chris Pine) is a warm-blooded man with strong patriotism. During his mission in Afghanistan, his helicopter was attacked by enemy fire. Jack was also seriously injured and almost died. During his recovery, he falls in love with the kind and beautiful medical student Cathy Muller (Keira Knightley Keira Knightley), while he is also sneaked into Wall Street by CIA officer Thomas Harper (Kevin Costner Kevin Costner) to monitor every source of funds that may endanger national security as an analyst. Jack, whose identity and mission are extremely confidential, has to keep his girlfriend tight-lipped, so he has to bear all kinds of inexplicable doubts and guesses. One day, Jack discovered that Russia may be using finance to launch a potential terrorist attack on the United States. In order to find out the truth, he went to Russia alone, who had ever thought but was in the most dangerous situation.