Four brave people once again traveled back into the dangerous game world and embarked on a new adventure. Different from last time, Spanther's grandfather turned into Dr. Yong Stone (Dawn Johnson), his grandfather's friend turned into a linguist (Kevin Hart), the tall and powerful Fridge turned into a middle-aged fat geologist (Jack Black), only the schoolboy Martha still turned into a sexy slugger (Karen Gillan), but Spanther and Bethany disappeared. In order to rescue their disappeared partners, the four had to enter an unknown world that was completely out of control. Faced with a deadly level of difficulty and danger, Johnson led the team to challenge the limit and break through the test. In the dangerous situation of landslides and rocks, their lives are on the line. Facing the sudden fierce wild beasts to the end, they can only tighten their nerves and fight side by side can they escape through the test of life and death. A thrilling and surprising adventure is about to begin!