The live-action movie version of the animated "Kim Possible" released a trailer and announced its launch date on the Disney Channel and DisneyNOW on February 15 next year. In the film, Kim and her friend and helper Ron Stoppable start their life at Middleton High School, facing a new class system again, and Kim begins to fight again, but at every turn she will encounter a blow: getting lost in confused corridors, being late for class, and being rejected by her foe and friend Bonnie during the football team selection. But after meeting her new friend Athena (who is also a big fan of Kim Possible), Kim's life took a turn for the better and Athena became a new Team Possible member. Then, after the evil Drakken and Shego reappeared, Athena began to eclipse Kim. But Team Possible members need to work together to stop the super villains.