The story takes place in 1944, when the ruthless iron hoofs of the Japanese army broke the tranquillity of the Korean land, and for a time smoke rose everywhere, and the people lost their homes for survival. They can only live under the burning flames of war and the humiliation of being ruled by the enemy. Cui Zhongfen (Jin Xiangqi) and Kim Yong Ai (Kim Sailun) are two ordinary Korean girls. Kim Yong Ai dislikes the rustic Cui Zhongfen very much, while Cui Zhongfen is fond of Kim Yong Ai just because she likes Kim Yong Ai's brother. One day, Kim Young-ae's brother was captured by the Japanese. In order to save her brother, Kim Yong-ae resolutely got on the train to Japan, and Cui Zhongfen went with her. However, what the two girls did not expect is that the train ends at a Japanese comfort station, where two pure and immaculate flowers have been mercilessly destroyed.