After saying goodbye to their owners for more than a decade, Woody and Buzz Lightyear, a group of Toy Story friends, came to their new owner Bonnie (voiced by Emily Hahn Emily Hahn) to continue their happy life. On this day, they were playing in the room when the clumsy dinosaur Rex (voiced by Warren Sean Wallace Shawn) suddenly appeared and screwed everything up. Mr. Egg head was so angry that he even called it "Rex who screwed up the party." Just then, Bonnie decided to find a toy to take a bath. Rex, who could not dodge, was taken into the bathroom by her. In Bonnie's search game, Rex plays an icy dinosaur and meets new friends like the rubber duck and the captain, who usually only stay in the bathroom. After Bonnie left, the water in the bathtub gradually emptied, and the rubber ducks were bored. The self-proclaimed king of the party, Rex, decided to turn on the faucet and throw a big party for his new friends, but the party was out of control.