The female high school student Bengozi (Takuya Taifeng) is naive. Once she falsely reported her age and her friend Yaguchi Sanmen (Yucheng Tina) and other sisters participated in social activities. At the banquet, the cold-faced handsome guy Zuo Kono Gongtai (tortoise pear and also acted the role of) helped her out, and afterwards, with the strength of the wine, Gongtai expressed the idea of further exchanges to the girls around her. But when the song told the true age, the attack turned from hot to cold and went away. The next day, Song and his friends were questioned by a policeman. To their surprise, they were surprised that the other party was Kono Saga. Gongtai, 23, is the inspector of the regional division of the Yingwei police station. He deliberately kept his distance from underage songs and warned girls to watch out for perverts nearby. It wasn't long before the song was entangled by perverts. In times of crisis, Gong is too helpful. It seems that through this incident, Song began to change her view of the ruthlessness and indifference of work, and she fell hopelessly in love. This film is based on three comics of the same name.