The ordinary high school student Tsuyoshi Nakai (Yong Dou Sano) is a two-dimensional super enthusiast whose hobbies are not understood by his surroundings. Only another enthusiast, Yuri Ito (Yoshimoto Yoshino), deeply understands each other's situation and mood. Because he was late for swimming class, he and Igarashi Fumihiko Seye, a super beauty in the school, were punished for cleaning. Seye plays truant from school, has a lot of gossip, and is defiant because of her own beauty, which is simply a nuisance of three-dimensional girls. The charming appearance of the other party rattled him, annoying but fascinated. After several twists and turns, the color leaf expressed his love to him, but the tube well rudely refused. Another day, the tube well followed the color leaf, only to witness the scene of the color leaf being wrongly stolen. At the critical moment, Asakai stepped forward to help the girl resolve the crisis. Then he was going to apologize for what happened before, but the words "Please associate with me" blurted out. From this day on, Takai and Seba have become a strange couple on campus who have been criticized. This film is based on Napoli's cartoon of the same name.