The story takes place on the border between France and Belgium, where Reuben (Benoit Polwald Beno ú t Poelvoorde) and Marcellus (Danny Bourne Dany Boon) are customs border inspectors belonging to Belgium and France, respectively. With a strong and stubborn personality, Reuben is a staunch nationalist who scoffs at everything about France, including, of course, the Frenchman Marcellus, who does not know that there is a sincere relationship between Marcellus and his sister Louise (Julie Bernard). The arrival of 1993 completely changed the relationship between Reuben and Marcellus, the border checkpoint was cancelled, and the two became colleagues and partners who did not look down all day, between contradiction and confrontation. Malthus can no longer hide his relationship with Louise. A "world war" is about to begin.