
Rumba 6.9
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Premiere: 2008
  • Running time: 1h 17m
  • Country: France

The happy and happy couple Fiona (Fiona Gordon Fiona Gordon) and Dom (Dominic Abel Dominique Abel) are a pair of rural teachers who lead a peaceful life. The greatest pleasure of the two comes from their common hobby: rumba. The two people who are obsessed with rumba often take part in domestic dance competitions on weekends, and their homes are full of trophies. One night, Fiona and Dom, who had just finished the race, were driving home when a man who tried to commit suicide suddenly rushed into the middle of the road. In order to avoid the crazy man, Dom had to turn the car around, but unfortunately crashed into a wall. Fortunately, the two narrowly escaped death. However, Dom lost his memory in the car accident, and Fiona had the misfortune to break a leg. In this way, their lives were completely subverted and plunged into chaos.