This film interprets the story of Picasso in the style of nonsensical comedy. Pablo Luis Picasso (G ö sta Ekman) was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881. His father Jose (Hans Alfredson) loved painting and discovered Picasso's artistic talent early. So the young Picasso was sent to Madrid to study, and his excellent paintings excited his father to stage a comedy that came back from the dead. In 1899, Picasso went to study in Paris and fell into a long-term cash-strapped life, until Jose came to Paris and planned to sell Cubist works to Stein, a famous American writer. Picasso took this opportunity to enter the field of vision of French literature and art at that time. He visited Rousseau's paradise-like garden, mingled with street workers, and was harassed by Mrs. Guggenheim of the United States for a long time. Picasso was involved in the Nazi invasion of Europe, and the war gave him a new understanding of life and art.