The film is based on Anne Frank, published by Melissa Muller, which has been translated into 55 languages and sold 24 million copies, making it the best-selling book after the Bible. The diary was recorded from June 12, 1942 to August 1, 1944. In Nazi-occupied Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where persecution was growing among Jews, Otto Frank and his family hid in the attic of a condiment factory. Later, businessmen Kraler and Miep, as well as another family, Van Daan and dentist Dussel, also came here to hide. Several families lived together waiting for the allies to liberate Holland. From 1942 to 1944, Anne Frank (Millie Perkins Millie Perkins) began to keep a diary. For more than 2 years, it recorded her feelings, her fears and hidden relationships. Later, due to a report, the Nazi soldiers sent all the people hiding here to the concentration camp, and the Frank family did not escape their doom except Otto Frank.