Wayne Berry, a Harvard student, met a girl named Mary and fell in love with her while working at the New Hampshire Hotel, a resort. An eccentric old man named Fred gave his pet bear to Wayne, told him to marry Mary, and then returned to his hometown of Vienna. Wayne listened to him and formed a family with Mary. After the war, Wayne missed the days when he met Mary so much that they returned to the hotel together, only to find that the once prosperous hotel had been completely deserted, and he was even more heartbroken when his pet bear was killed by a local boy. They went home, went on with their lives, and imported them, but the dream of the New Hampshire Hotel never faded from Wayne's mind. The whole family moved to Vienna and opened a new New Hampshire Hotel. After that, Mary and one of their children were killed in a plane crash, but Wayne was not depressed, led the family to continue to run the hotel and foiled a plot to blow up the Vienna Opera House, and the whole family became heroes. They returned to the United States with honor and received heroic treatment. Wayne opened a third New Hampshire.